NTSA Calls on vehicle owners to Collect Their New Number Plates

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) is encouraging drivers who have received SMS notifications about the availability of the new generation number plate to promptly visit their designated centers.

In a statement released on Wednesday. NTSA emphasized that drivers should personally visit the specific centers they had identified during the application process.


To expedite the issuance of the new generation number plates. The NTSA extended its operating hours, shifting from the previous 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Schedule to operate from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.

Roads and Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen directed the authority to address the blocking in printing Driving licenses, logbooks, and digital number plates within a two-week timeframe. Promoting this adjustment in operating hours.


Green Prince Son of The Sheik Hassan Yousef

In May 2022, under the guidance of Fred Matiangi, former interior Cabinet Secretary. The new generation vehicle registration plates were introduced as part of efforts to combat forgery, swapping, and duplication.

Main function of NTSA

Below are the main functions of NTSA in Kenya;

  • Register and license motor vehicles
  • Conduct motor vehicle inspections and certifications
  • Regulation of Public Service Vehicles
  • Advise the government on national policy with regard to the road transport sector.
  • Develop and implement road safety strategies
  • Facilitates the education of members of the public on road safety
  • Conduct research and audits on road safety
  • Compile inspection reports relating to traffic accidents
  • Establish systems and procedures for, and oversee the training, testing, and licensing of drivers.
  • Formulate and review the curriculum of driving schools and coordinate the activities of persons and organizations dealing with matters relating to road safety.