In the present world, education is changing its role, redefining success. The once steadfast belief in the motivational phrase “eduction is the key to success” has envolve due to several influencing factors. While education undeniably serves as a valuable cornerstones for personal and professional growth. It no longer stands as the sole determinant of success, unlike the earlier days.

First and foremost, the evolving definition of success encompasses a broader range of skills. This includes adaptability, creativity, problem solving and emotional intelligence. Rather than solely relying in academic achievements individuals nurture these qualities not exclusively within the confines of a classroom.They do so through experiences, self directed learning and more so real world challenges.
In addition, Thousands of Kenyans, both undergraduates and postgraduates are graduating yearly. However, only few of them get opportunities to practices their knowledge, in contrasts to the high percentage running the ” hustle” life.
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Secondly, the digital age has democratized access to information and knowledge. The internet and online resources enable individuals to independenly acquire knowledge and skills. Often without the need for formal education. This empowerment has given rise to self taught experts and enterpreneurs who thrive without relying on formal academic credentials.
This has lefts many graduates and other Kenyans wondering if education is a scam. That is why majority of Kenyans are left wondering if they will take their kids to school if education is made optional.
Moreover, the job market has shifted to prioritize practical skills and relevant experience over formal qualifications. Many successful individuals today have pursued unconventional paths. They are utilizing apprenticeships, internships, or vocational trainings to acquire the skills required for their chosen careers.
Many people belief that education helps in opening and widening ones’s reasoning capacity. However there are many bussiness tycoons with almost zero education and are running their bussiness succesfully.
Moreso, innovation and enterpreneurship have played a significant role in reshaping the success landscape. Start up founders and innovators especially ” Nill education” drive their ventures with passion and willigness to take risks, qualities that cannot be solely linked to formal education.
Does education primarily benefits individuals from less affluent backgrounds?. Considering that those from modest socioeconomic background often outperform their peers from more privileged families academically.This phenomenon might arise because education represents one of the few resources their parent can provide.
Do we aslo conclude that publice universities generally design courses for individuals with limited finacial means?. While the wealthy prefer private universities offering market-demand courses, or should we perhaps conclude that education caters to those with an “upper hand” or influential connections to avoid frustration! As academic credentials no longer hold significant sway in Kenya. What seems to matter is who you know and how much you are willing to invest for an opportunity.
In conclusion, even though education maintains its importance and provides a strong foundation. It no longer stand as the sole key to success. Success in the present world relies on a combination of factors, including adaptability, practical skills, an enterpreneurial spirit , commitment to lifelong learning and more so connection to find a job.